Monday, June 3, 2024

Piazza Navona

 Piazza Navona, Rome Italy

Piazza Navona is in the center of Rome and is one of the most beautiful squares, with its three fountains:  Fontana del Moro at the southern end, and the Fountain of Neptune at the northern end, and the most famous of the three - Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi, the Fountain of the Four Rivers, which was designed by Bernini and sits in the very center of the square.  

Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi

The Fountain of the Four Rivers was featured in "Angels and Demons" starring Tom Hanks:

The Fountain of the Four Rivers - this sculpture of a man with an oar represents the Ganges River, and it was sculpted by Claude Poussin

On the right of his photo of the Fountain of the Four Rivers you see the veiled man, who represents the Nile River, and he was sculpted by Giacomo Antonio Fancelli

This sculpture of a man with running horses represents the Danube, and it was sculpted by Antonio Raggi

The horse is a symbol of Europe and is believed to have been carved by Bernini himself

Sculpture representing the Rio de la Plata River, and carved by Francesco Baratta

This unique pattern in the brick around the fountain was replicated in the movie "Angels and Demons"

The obelisk in the Fountain of the Four Rivers is one of 13 obelisks in Rome, and was taken from Egypt

Fontana del Moro

Fontana del Moro, designed partially by Bernini

The fountain represents a Moor, or African, wresting with a dolphin and being guarded by 4 Tritons

Fontana del Nettuno, Fountain of Neptune, is a symbol of papal power

Sant' Agnese in Agone

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Pantheon

 The Pantheon, Rome Italy

The Pantheon is the oldest building in the world that is still in use today.  It was built in 125 A.D.  Pantheon means "All Gods."  The oculus - the opening in the dome of the Pantheon - is 30 feet across.  The sun shines in through this "eye" and the rain comes in too - that's why there's drains built into the floor.  I have been there when it's raining and they just gate off the wet area and allow the water to drain.  It has been a Catholic church since 609 AD.  Admittance used to be free and without appointment, but in recent years they have required you to pay 5 euros and make a reservation.  We arrived early for our reserved time and they let us in without question.

The Pantheon was a site for the movie "Angels and Demons" starring Tom Hanks.  A clip of that portion of the movie is here:

The Pantheon

The Fontana del Pantheon - it was built in 1575 AD and stands in front of the Pantheon

the oculus of the Pantheon

inside the Pantheon

the drain in the floor at the Pantheon

The Pantheon

Fontana del Pantheon

Flying Internationally

I haven't been to a lot of different European airports, but I have been to a few of them, and these are my observations about them -- Fi...